Silver Eagle - The Official Biography Of “Band Of Brothers” Veteran Clancy Lyall

Ronald Ooms (2013)

The official biography of Clancy Lyall, member of the “Band of Brothers”, made famous by Steven Spielberg's and Tom Hanks' 2001 TV-series and Stephen Ambrose's book bearing the same name. It's Clancy's story in his own words about World War 2, Korea and Indochina, as he witnessed it. Written down by his close friend, journalist Ronald Ooms.

The Flame Lily Weeps

This unique autobiography describes the life of a white Zimbabwean growing up in Rhodesia, Zimbabwe-Rhodesia and subsequently after the attainment of independence on 18th April 1980, in Zimbabwe, and, thereafter, his move and settling in the UK.

To Boldly Go - Where so many have gone before

Ron Palmer (2011)

An autobiographical interlude in the author’s seagoing life after retiring as a captain of super tankers. A forty foot boat was built by the author and sailed for some years around the British Columbia waterway then as a further adventure an attempt was made to make a world circumnavigation. Many trials and troubles end this adventure in a storm.

Trawlers and Trawler Folk

An enlightening book tracing the author’s career in the Humber fishing fleet between the wars and the profound changes in the fishing industry. Ernest worked from Kingston upon Hull in several vessels like the Thomas Hardy and the Cape Barfleur. Enduring the hardships of year-round deep sea fishing in the North Sea and off Iceland and Greenland.