The Daisy Chain

Elizabeth Cantle (2012)

Fiction   Other Fiction / Novels

What life throws at you in childhood changes you and sometimes takes you to dark places. Richard’s has made mistakes and almost paid the price no father wants to ever pay. Truth is the only way forward for all involved, but love is the vital key in this stirring story of a family torn and mended by events both preventable and beyond their control.

About this book

What life throws at you in childhood can shape your character and personality for life; it can mould you and take you to dark places. Sometimes the only way to tackle these awful experiences is to face them head on.
Daisy is young and determined. Her relationship with her mother, Joanne is a difficult one. She has a deep need to understand her mother and feels the only way to do this is to find out what led to the breakdown of her parents’ marriage. Daisy’s father, Richard has also made mistakes in his marriage and almost paid the price no father wants to pay.
Katherine, her grandmother, is the key to the truth but what Daisy finds out is more shocking than she could have imagined and proves to be a real test of her love for both her parents. Katherine has always known Daisy would want to know about her parents’ marriage but could not have foreseen just how much telling the story would affect both Daisy and herself.
Sometimes we have to go backwards in order to progress. Truth is the only way forward for all concerned, but love is the ultimate key in this stirring story of a family, torn and mended by events both preventable and beyond their control.

About Author

Elizabeth Cantle

My sister and I enjoyed a happy childhood in a small country village in Gloucestershire in post-war 1950s England. A long spell in hospital meant a slow start for my reading and writing but eventually my skills caught up with my peers and I regularly had stories and poems read out in class and pinned on the notice board in school. My work life has been varied. I started working as a secretary, went on to study for a degree in Business and Finance and later trained to be a chiropodist. I worked for 26 years in education both as a tutor and senior manager whilst running a domiciliary chiropody practice and, at end of my working life I was bursar in a local school. I married John in 1969 and we have a son and a granddaughter. I decided to retire at the age of 62. I have always been an avid reader and enjoy a wide range of books. It is said that everyone has a book in them, so I set about writing my first book and pursued the love of writing which I enjoyed at school. I had previously had an article published in a chiropody magazine but that was specialist and factual. We live in Wiltshire and also have a [...]

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