Thinking with greater subtlety

May 22, 2024

A book lover once commented that the value of books is that you benefit from the experiences of others and gain access to their insight without having to go through the process they passed through. Others have made the discoveries...

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Attitude Determines Altitude

February 25, 2024

Nick is a remarkable man. Those who have met him are always inspired and challenged by his life. Nick was born without arms or legs, yet he writes, ‘I am truly blessed. I am ridiculously happy.’ Many times as a...

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Your life is a product of choices

December 16, 2021

We all make choices but in the end our choices make us. There are three things that make or break us: habits, choices and routines. Many of us don’t even realise the importance of the choices we make or that...

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The Character Test

November 18, 2021

Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they met on the street. (Elbert Hubbard) I heard the story of a rock-band called Van Halen. It is said that they would make outrageous demands when they were touring....

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Set Boundaries

June 17, 2021

A life without boundaries is like a house without walls - nobody feels safe. (Unknown) I recently read a story of a football (soccer) match that was arranged for twenty-two young boys. After waiting for what seemed like ages, the...

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The Power of Belief

April 15, 2021

Believe you can and you're halfway there. (Theodore Roosevelt) 'The Eagle has landed,’ said Neil Armstrong. President Nixon, watching the events on television, described it as ‘one of the greatest moments of our time’. The Pope greeted the news by...

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Build your mind

June 08, 2020

Reading is one of the soundest investments you can make in yourself. Soak-up-facts method of education is not what we are talking about. Real education is that which develops and cultivates the mind. Anything which improves thinking ability is good...

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